Guest Posting

Law of Attraction and Manifestation

Ask, Believe, Receive

Ask, Believe, ReceiveThis is the creative process that is as old as time itself. It’s been mentioned in every religious text and spoken of by mystics, philosophers, and Law of Attraction teachers throughout the ages. Ask, Believe, Receive I’m sure you’ve heard of it too.

It’s a simple three-step process that many people see as the key to manifesting everything they want. And of course, it is. But, Ask, Believe, Receive there’s more to this creative process than meets the eye.

In over 10 years of studying the Law of Attraction and Manifestation, I’ve learned that the way most people are using the creative process is backward. When you start by asking for what you want you shift your focus away from the truth of this process. Ask, Believe, Receive The real key to manifesting everything you want is being ready and willing to receive.

I can hear you saying you’re ready. I thought I was too. I’d asked and asked. I’d worked hard to expand my mind to believe that it could happen for me. I focused my thoughts on the abundance I knew was coming. I did everything I thought I needed to do to make the Law of Attraction work for me.

Nothing happened. Well, perhaps not nothing, but nothing substantial. Nothing life-changing. And certainly, nothing that felt like my ‘prayers had been answered. I became disillusioned and felt like giving up. I very nearly did. But somewhere deep within me, there burned a tiny flame. A spark that told me I was missing something. A spark that told me there was something more …

So I went searching for it. Have you ever heard the saying, ‘Seek and you will find?’ Well, I found the missing piece of the puzzle and it changed everything. Because I had the creative process backward. I’ll let you into a little secret.

The Law of Attraction and Manifestation is all about Energetic Alignment

You could call it vibration or frequency. Not the vibration or frequency of your thoughts but the vibration or frequency of your energy. How do you know what your energetic alignment is? You’ll feel it as your core emotional state. It’s important to understand the difference between your emotional state and your emotions. Your emotional state is your ‘all the time’ energetic state.

It’s the way you feel in your body most of the time. The way you feel when there’s nothing particular going on. When you’re just going about your day. When life is just humming along and there’s nothing to spark a specific emotion. You probably won’t even notice how you feel because it’s your ‘normal’.

But your energy is always vibrating. It’s your life force. And it’s manifesting your life. Emotion = E-motion. Energy in motion. Or more specifically, your energy in motion. When you feel an emotion, you’re really feeling your own energy move in response to something or someone else.

The event, circumstance, or person is simply the trigger that sparks your energy into motion. Each time you act or *react from the energy spark you’re feeling, you either reinforce your existing energetic alignment or realign your energy to a new vibration or frequency.

*(re-action = re-enacting a past experience as if it’s happening today) Your Energetic Alignment is your Energetic State

It’s the vibration of your energetic state that is manifesting your life

Ask, Believe, Receive Your Energetic Alignment signals what you BELIEVE is what you unconsciously ASK for And you will always RECEIVE whatever you unconsciously BELIEVE and ASK for It will happen automatically It can’t be any other way. This is the Law of Attraction in action.

Getting ready to RECEIVE is the act of Energy Re-alignment

How do you do that? By becoming aware of your thoughts, emotions, and actions. Instead of pushing away the ‘negative’ thoughts and trying to change them, listen to what they have to say. Your thoughts are literally your energy communicating with you in words. Behind every thought, there’s an emotion. And emotion drive action.

Your thoughts and emotions will always match because it’s your energy you’re experiencing. When you pay attention, you can connect with the energetic alignment that is manifesting your life. You can learn what it feels like.

Ask, Believe, Receive And that knowledge frees you to make a powerful shift in each and every moment. It frees you to release and replace. To repair and restore. To realign and recreate your life a new Abundance is your birthright Your wish is my command! Allanah was nice enough, that she is allowing you to download her 7-minute abundance blueprint for free by clicking here. <<<Here’s your LINK>>> Article Credit Allanah Hunt

About Allanah Hunt Allanah’s mission to help you discover the power, you have inside to live the life you want and deserve. She lives in London and New Zealand. She has lived a true hero story overcoming poverty and abusive relationships to find her true calling and purpose as a law of attraction energy expert. Ask, Believe, Receive Allanah is praised for her ability to share her methods of manifestation that works for anybody. You can download your free gift: 7-minute Abundance Blueprint by clicking here. <<<Yes Your LINK>>>>

Ask, Believe, Receive